I heard a roumour (IT MAY NOT BE TRUE IM JUST SAYING I HEARD IT) that we would be starting with the current kit and then switching to Umbro around christmas time.
Dont know why we'd do that but hey if it happends you heard it here first.
sorry mark well what do you expect from a teenager, hope that is true about umbro but would be more expensive probably for the shirts(PS i was taught proper english and i got a C in it)
Well sorry for not using Capital letters Alan, yes well at the end of the day we are all wings fans and i do not like the way you are taking the p*ss, all that i am trying to do is put accross my view. Since i have been watching Welling (about 8years) i have noticed a lot of shirts have been used so was just wondering if we did have a new shirt, as i myself have probably spent well over £200 on shirts since then.