On the various nl facebook pages fans are already predicting the end of season final table even before the first ball has been kicked in competition. Interestingly most are putting us lower mid table, round about 15th. Anyone care to make a guess at our final position? I know we would love to be top and failing that 2-7 but lets be realistic and have some sensible guesses on pre season form - which I know really does not mean a lot.
To start the ball rolling I will take a guess at 10th being our lowest position.
Predict by Saturday 2.59 p.m. and the first person to get it right I will give them a £10 gift voucher to use in the shop on the final day of the season.
Text or watsapp club shop on 07707883672 or email wusashop@gmail.com DO NOT PHONE
16th - It's the highest I can have them finish that is still available apart from 1st or 2nd and I don't think they will achieve that. I believe they will finish 5th behind Maidstone United, Torquay United, Dorking Wanderers and Boreham Wood. But here I am saying 16th but guys I do have more faith than that lowerly position