I think that whats been said will be on the Official site in a day or two in the Clubs own words rather than people's interpretation. It would have been straight up but James is away on holiday and no one can get hold of him for access to update the site.
I will ask Barrie at Havant if i see him when James is back, If James is still away i will get a brief audio statement from barrie and upload.
I just think people dont want to misquote the club, and you can understand that.
Alexander O'Neal 1987 "I'm fed up cos all you wanna do is criticize "
I was sitting at the far end of the room from where Barrie was speaking and I couldn't hear everything he said but my understanding of the main points was as follows:-
The club's advisor is optimistic that there will be a 90 day adjournment on Wednesday but that the full outstanding amount would have to be paid by the end of the 90 days. No absolute guarantee though that this will happen and Barrie was to contact HMRC today to see if he could get any clarification on their position.
Three possible investors had contacted the club, two of whom might be interested in taking it over. Very early stages though and nothing concrete yet.
Discussions are being held with a possible main sponsor found by Jamie Day.
Agreement has been reached with the coach company for the team coach to resume after tomorrow's match.
If any of the above is wrong, perhaps someone who was nearer to Barrie can post a correction.
Russ is to start putting in motion the first stages of setting up a Supporters Trust but the whole process takes around a year.
The remainder of the meeting mainly revolved around how various things, such as the use of the bar, types of season tickets issued etc, might be improved in the medium and long term and what functions could be held.
Fine, if there is nothing to report at this stage or there are sensitive ongoing discussions then tell us so officially. Don't just leave us in limbo - I think we deserve better than that.
Oh, a mighty god is the god of gold, His empire never decays; In every age, in every clime, The hearts of men he sways.
Err, some official word as to what was discussed last Thursday even if it is "nothing we can reveal at this stage". Why alienate people who were not at that meeting and who have not been able to discuss, informally, what went on with those who went? Yes, Wednesday is the crunch day and hopefully we will have some good news.
Oh, a mighty god is the god of gold, His empire never decays; In every age, in every clime, The hearts of men he sways.
Spoke to Terry just now. There's actually relatively little money in the WUISA account, following some of the expenditure already mentioned, and would not make a difference to reducing Welling's £55k debt.
Agreement has been reached with the coach company for the team coach to resume after tomorrow's match.
Just to clarify, there was no disagreement, merely a miscommunication - the coach company didn't realise we needed a coach last weekend and booked all their vehicles out on other trips.