Barry just told me theres 7 inches on the pitch and prospects for play are not good at the moment, No clearing of pitch is needed today as there is more heavy snow forecast, however the pitch snow can melt quickly and has in the past and there are covers on the pitch under the snow and IF there is a chance we can get the pitch ready nearer Saturday the club will request bodies to help.
Barry also confirmed a press release will be out later as soon as it has been prepared and distributed to the press and official site.
Alexander O'Neal 1987 "I'm fed up cos all you wanna do is criticize "
I'm okay for a Saturday morning snow shovelling session. Still a bit more snow forecast today and tomorrow, but if there's nothing after that we may have a chance. Welling was snowed on pretty heavily last night.
Barry said its unlikely the game will take place but the covers help in keep the pitch from going hard. He said 7 inches is a lot of snow and health and safety comes into it and also where to put the snow. But we will do all we feasibly can and a request will be made if we think we can get it on.
Alexander O'Neal 1987 "I'm fed up cos all you wanna do is criticize "
Pitch is 100mtrs long getting the snow on shovels 100mtrs down the other end which ever way you look at it will be a night mare. saying that get 50+ bodies there and you got a shout for getting the national/regional tv/paper coverage. generally raising the awareness.
At a football club, theres a holy trinity the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors dont come into it. They are only there to sign the checks
At a football club, theres a holy trinity the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors dont come into it. They are only there to sign the checks
Superb... Segregate the ground and have the away end as snowmen. Absolute Genius.
I know people are joking about this, but if clearing the pitch and creating an army of segregated snow chavs is the only way to make certain the game goes ahead, then I'm all for it :D Would create a story for the local newspapers to.
As I was told today, very politely, that my services were better needed to make THE TEA, so if its tea you require and the club has the tea bags, I'll be your tealady on Sat.
Friday 11th November
Although the weather may beat us I believe we have to do everything possible to get the game played on Saturday. If the pitch is ok then The Club need to make a plea for fans to clear the pitch as early as possible on Saturday morning. With other clubs not putting this effort in we could see a good crowd plus the fans meeting
If nothing else it would be an amazing photo opportunity ... and every shot that went wide behind the goal would lead to a snowman getting smashed up ... I say do it.
We should get photos printed on A4 paper of that bloke from Radio Kent that no one likes and put them on the heads of the snowmen. Every time one got hit in the face, it would get a great cheer :D
-- Edited by Dogme on Thursday 2nd of December 2010 11:46:50 AM
Although the weather may beat us I believe we have to do everything possible to get the game played on Saturday. If the pitch is ok then The Club need to make a plea for fans to clear the pitch as early as possible on Saturday morning. With other clubs not putting this effort in we could see a good crowd plus the fans meeting
Barry/Barrie - please let us all know asap
How about the terraces? They have to be cleared too because of the dreaded Health and Safety issue. Insurance claims are us springs to mind
That will be a good one. Will have to clear all the snow first won't they! Oh yes there was talk about doing that on Saturday morning wasn't there. But wait.....
As j said you have to take into concideration the opposition.yes you might need the money,but surely the safety of everyone is the most important factor.motorways might be clear but all side roads are near on impossible to drive on.In southampton/Eastleigh the weather is realy bad after weds snow fall. We all hope you servive and someone come in with the money you owe.but lets not put peoples lives at risk for the sake of a game of football.