Young Barry was doing al bit of rolling the pitch yesterday but it pissistantly rained while we had the shop open. Pitch looked ok at the time but you can never tell. My side of Shooters Hill is currently dry and bright, whats the welling side like?
just been on my pitch at Danson Arena for the step 6 ground grading and they said it was the dryest pitch theyve seen all day. we are only a few hundred yards away so i would think its going to be ok.
At a football club, theres a holy trinity the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors dont come into it. They are only there to sign the checks
Seriously, has there been that much rain in Welling this week? I'm only at the other end of the 'via Bexleyheath' train line and there's only been light drizzle all week.
Yep, I'm in Welling and it's been mainly drizzle this week. Unless we get a sudden torrential downpour, I can't see any reason why the game would be postponed.