At the present time we are experiencing problems with posts to the forum which are reminiscent of the period which forced me to adopt the need to register before you could post.
There are posters I know to be associated with other Clubs who appear to be wanting to replicate on this forum what happened on the Blue Square South Forum and I am not prepared to let that happen. There is on occasion a fine line between banter and deliberately attempting to agitate and provoke confrontational responses from the forum's regular contributors and as moderator I will delete any posts which I deem have crossed that line. Should I have cause to delete posts from the same user they will be banned.
I would ask our regular viewers/contributors not to rise to the bait by responding to any offending posts should they see them before they are deleted.
We have ridden such storms before and I am sure we can again.
YOUTH are the future
"The worst thing you can do is make a committment and not meet it and I understand that." Barrie Hobbins 14 August 2010