Sorry for the delay as been busy with other things.
In response to a few enquiries from Welling Fans reguarding how well the Fest actually went....
We all managed to raise the sum of £4284.48 before deductions, to which we repaid WUSA for the Beer and Glasses loan, as well as food and sundries, Tee Shirts, advertising and the hiring of stillage equiptment and labour also to Waterfield for providing the musical entertainment.
The Profit of £1502.40 was then split between the Club and WUSA as had been agreed by both parties prior to arranging the beer fest.
Pat n Sy
Friday 11th November
Not only is that a fantastic sum of money but it also raised the profile of the club. Patsy and Sy worked tremendously hard and went through some serious stress on the way. They deserve huge praise for all this.