looking at the rules what is paid out for tonights game. Referee £70 assistant £45 each travelling expenses 45p per mile. Then there is actual travel expenses for away club of upto £3 a mile for a coach or 40p a mile for upto 5 cars. After deduction allowed by KFA, £75 floodlight plus advertising, police, stewarding and gateman (sexism by KFA) plus the items above, the money is shared 10% to KFA 45% to each club. The only benefit in my mind financially is club keeps bar takings. I suppose its the prestige of a cup for clubs and players but is it really worth it?
Just something to mull over my own position is I like the county cups especially as they give us a chance to visit strange grounds (Sporting Bengal cone to mind) plus there is a chance of getting to a final.
Text or watsapp club shop on 07707883672 or email wusashop@gmail.com DO NOT PHONE